Monday, September 24, 2007

First Post

So alrighty than, here is my first post as a blogger. My wife used to blog all the time but I guess I never had much to say I figured anyone else would want to read. I know with this opening you will all be tuned in each week to see what comes next.

I did notice the life hacker extra at the bottom of this weeks information and I figured I could share my experience with a similar site called Maybe you have heard of it maybe you haven't but it is similar to life hacker but focuses on both tech and personal organization.

If you you are looking for a little life guidance you can also check out (sorry its a 43 theme today). This is a social networking site (which I am sure we will learn much more about later) that lists peoples goals for the week, the month, the year and their lives. The site uses a techniques called links clouds which increases the font based on the number of people who have similar goals. As I look on the site today (9-22) it appears many of the users are hoping to get hitched this year. Anyway it is kind of like a shared New Year's resolution list, except that is posted so it constantly hangs over your head and anyone in the worked can see it, anytime. Okay, so maybe it is a bit different than a New Year's resolution but you get the idea.

Okay I am going to sign off now before anyone starts looking for a tall building to throw themselves from.