Friday, March 28, 2008


I have been reading the blog posts that many of you have written and I find myself in complete agreement that the library is a great place for the curious person to work. We sit at the center of an infinite information repository. Thanks to the information age even when we do not have something in the library we have access to it from one of the many databases available to us.

Even though I would agree with Kristie’s comment that people in general seem to be losing their natural curiosity I think that there is still hope for us. There appears to be a shift in education coming that embraces more exploratory forms of learning. This can be seen clearly in Appleton and its embrace of charter schools. Many of these schools focus more on the natural talents of our children and focus less on making them little conformists (insert shudder here).

The reality is that the best and brightest among our species have not made their mark on intellect alone. What sets them apart is, to me, more about curiosity and tenacity than it is about raw brain power. Our world has been sculpted by people asking, “What would happen if … “

Project Play takes our natural curiosity about technology and helps us to understand it and hopefully find ways to apply what is available to useful tools that both we and our patrons can utilize to meet information needs – and maybe even make it kind of fun.

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