Friday, February 15, 2008

"Jott" yourself a note to "Remember the Milk"

On the whole it is interesting to see what the small applications designers and open source community can come up with. It seems like if the is a niche to fill out there than someone will develop you an app to fill it. Soon we will have site where you can submit requests for custom apps that can be developed for you on demand, of course there are ways to do this now but I am talking about doing it for a reasonable price.

On to the topic though. Remember the Milk is a handy tool to the freeware folks out there that do not want to plop down the cash to get an integrated tool like Outlook or Lotus Notes. It does have some benefits over these programs in that it is much more portable. You can access it from any computer (or phone) if internet access. It also has some features that make it handy for group use. Of course there is the most important part it’s free. That is important in a world where we really in public funding to purchase our materials.

Jott I had less use for. Its neat, and my hats off to anyone that can get a voice recognition app to work at all – and this one is free. Would it work for dictation, I have not tried but I am guessing no. Would I use it to send myself messages and notes – I doubt it, even though I certainly could use the reminders some times. For those that see it as the niche tool they need, great more power to you, but it is not for everyone.

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